Tuesday 29 August 2017


One rainy morning I told Nana that it would funny if school was cancelled because of the really heavy rain. I didn't realise how bad it was until I looked out the back door, "Nana", I shouted, " it's flooded out the back!".

When we got to school I saw Ava and her dad walking up the path, I thought she mustn't have been feeling well and was going home. "schools cancelled cause of the heavy rain". "What?!" I said with a surprised look on my face. "really that is awesome!".

As we walked up the laneway I said to Dylan, " let's make up a victory song". "sure", she said.
It went like this, "School is flooded whoa its now cancelled YEH YEH, X3.

When we got home I told Nana what happened and she was shocked. "I saw something flash past my eyes and I thought it couldn't be grandad!". "well I guess another day with you dudes then!".

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