Monday, 24 July 2017

Info report on my dog Riley

INTRO: Dogs are the cutest things ever… in my opinion. There fluffy, cute, cuddly, big and small and smart (not all of them though, my dogs quite dumb)

About his breed:
My dog’s breed is a Shih Tzu. Shih Tzu is the Chinese word for lion. the Chinese named the dog this because of the hair around their face, as it looked like a main.

Gender, age, and diet:
Riley’s age is 1 year and 7 months. When we got him he was only 5 months old and adorable. His gender is a boy. Riley eats wet meat and dry kibbles for breakfast and dinner and does not have lunch

What he does:
Riley is nuts sometimes, especially when he is just out the bath (wet) or when my brother runs around the house yelling or making weird noises. Riley, on weekdays, when we’re at school he goes to my parents work for the day. At home Riley plays with his toys, sleeps and chases Jesse.

When and why we got him:
When: We got Riley 2016 25th may.
Why: we used to have a dog called Bruce. We were renovating the house so we had to give him to some till we were done. When we finished renovating mum said it would be best if the guy who had Bruce kept him cause Bruce needed a lot of exercises but we were busy all the time and the guy who we gave him to walked Bruce every morning and Bruce kept running away. We were all very sad but we agreed. About a year later dad wanted another dog and mum was hardly agreeing, but when she saw the photos she fell in love with Riley. About a month later we went to pick up Riley. He was very shy at first but after a few days he got used to us

Here are some photos of Riley!

Screenshot 2017-07-25 at 7.36.31 PM.png

Screenshot 2017-07-25 at 7.36.16 PM.png